It's amazing to me that none of us here in the valley are sick. We see Papa Brent on a regular basis and spent the same weekend together enduring the thermostat wars. He even came to Morgan's baseball game and had dinner last Saturday! My money is on the snot-nosed kids from the mommies group and possibly the Avila animal farm. Check out what the Mayo-Clinic has to say about prevention, I think they know what they are talking about. Besides, a sore throat is a small souvenir compared to dog piss on a leather sofa! Prevention "The single best way to prevent illness is also one of the simplest: hand washing. Teach your children to wash their hands often — before eating and after using the bathroom, and after spending time in a crowded public space or touching animals. Show them how to wash their hands thoroughly, covering all hand surfaces — front and back — with soap and rubbing hands vigorously under warm running water. Teach young children to scrub their hands for ...